Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

428 - Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources

28544 - Spanish Economic Structure

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
28544 - Spanish Economic Structure
Faculty / School:
108 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y del Trabajo
428 - Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
4 and 3 and 2
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview


The general aim of this course is to make the student able to identify, understand and evaluate the Spanish and international economic context in which labour relationships are developed. This will be achieved through three partial objectives:

  1. Properly applying economic language and data when analysing the Spanish economic context.

  2. Understanding how economic relationships and the institutional system affect the labour market and the management of labour relations in an interactive way.

  3. Using the analysis of the changing economic context when interpreting and intervening in labour market relationships or human resources management.

    To this end, the contents of the course are divided into three parts. The first one analyses the process of economic growth and, more specifically, the growth determinants in the Spanish economy. The second focuses on the analysis of productive sectors and the evolution of competitiveness, which includes its relationship with the Spanish foreign sector. The third deals with institutional aspects: the labour market, the financial market, the public sector and the effects of European monetary integration on the Spanish economy

  The learning process that has been designed for this course is based on the following activities: 

  1. Theoretical sessions, where the lecturer will develop the basic economic concepts to realize the role and significance of economics in order to understand the socioeconomic reality. Students must complete these sessions with the basic texts that are included in the References and specified for each lesson on the ADD.

  2. Practical sessions, where students and lecturers will discuss different theoretical and practical cases related to the theoretical sessions. The aim is to help the student to consciously connect the theoretical contents of the course and the real world.

  3. Sessions to supervise T6 tasks, which may be individual or in group. The lecturer will meet the members of each working team to provide the general guidelines for the supervised team essay (working plan, relevant references, etc.) and to supervise their progress in subsequent sessions. During individual sessions the student may ask for clarification on concepts, reasoning, data… and other aspects that may appear as he/she progresses in the elaboration of the essay.

5.2. Learning tasks

The programme offered to the students to help them achieve the learning results includes the following activities:


1: Theoretical sessions: two sessions a week, one hour each. The activities during these sessions include 

  • Theoretical concepts presented by the lecturer

  • Comments and discussions on the part of the students around those concepts 

2: Practical sessions: two sessions a week, one hour each. The activities during these sessions include

  • Problem resolution and presentation of case studies. Discussion of economic readings selected by the lecturers.

  • Analysis and discussion of topics and pieces of economic news selected by the lecturers and/or the students. Student debates on economic topics, moderated by the lecturers. 

3: Supervised essays (30 h T6 for the student): two collective seminars and two hours each week for group or individual meetings. The activities during these sessions include

  • Collective seminars. In the first of them the lecturer will establish the general guidelines for the different stages in the elaboration of the essays. During the semester there will be two sessions in which the students will present their final work.

  • Individual sessions for each working team, in which the lecturer will monitor the work in progress, will offer guide to the students and will solve with them the questions that arise in relation to the essay.

5.3. Syllabus

Course syllabus:


Lesson 1. Economic modernization in the Spanish economy

Seminar. The present-day Spanish economic situation. Economic indicators and sources of information.

Lesson 2. The process of economic growth

Seminar. Determinants of economic growth

Lesson 3. The productive structure

Seminar: Analysis of the productive structure

Lesson 4. Labour market

Seminar. Recent developments in the labour market

Lesson 5. Foreign trade

Seminars. Foreign sector and the balance of payments

Lesson 6. Financial system

Seminar. Recent evolution of the financial system

Lesson 7.  Public sector

Seminar. Income distribution

Lesson 8. Spain in the Economic and Monetary Union

Seminar. The recent economic situation

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The timing of the sessions will be announced on the website of the Faculty and the specific practices and other activities will be indicated by the lecturers and published on the Digital platform (ADD). The provisional main deadlines are as follows, but they need to be confirmed at the beginning of the semester:


13rd. week:                      Supervised team work hand-in

8th. and 14th. weeks:     Supervised team work presentations

7th. And 15th. weeks:     Written exams.  Supervised team work evaluation

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]

  • [BB] García Delgado, J.L. y Myro, R. (Dirs. ). (2017). Economía española: Una introducción (3ª ed.). Cizur Menor (Navarra): Civitas.
  • [BC] Stiglitz, J. E. (2016). El euro : cómo la moneda común amenaza el futuro de Europa. Barcelona : Taurus
  • [BC] Andrés, J. y Domenech, R. (2015). En busca de la prosperidad: Los retos de la sociedad española en la economía global del siglo XXI. Bilbao: Deusto.
  • [BC] Crecimiento y competitividad : motores y frenos de la economía española / dirigido por Francisco Pérez García ; Francisco Alcalá Agulló ... [et al.] Bilbao : Fundación BBVA, 2012
  • [BC] García Delgado, J.L. y Myro, R. (Dirs.). (2014). Ensayos sobre economía española: Homenaje a José Luis García Delgado. Cizur Menor (Navarra): Civitas.
  • [BC] García Delgado, J.L. y Myro, R. (Dirs.). (2015). Lecciones de economía española (Ejercicios y prácticas). López Morales, J.L. y Pablo Martí, F., 12ª ed.. Cizur Menor (Navarra): Civitas.

Listado de URL

  • Banco de España. Informe Anual. Recuperado el 18 de noviembre de 2015. []
  • Instituto Nacional de Estadística. La Contabilidad Nacional Trimestral de España. Recuperado el 18 de noviembre de 2015. []